The Lagos Mail is committed to promoting reading culture and smart thinking through its book and quiz club.
In our book club we encourage our members to read and participate in our reading and quiz competitions.
General membership is free.
Our membership cuts across : Secondary School Students, University Students, Young people below 40years and Seniors above 40years.
After signing up as a general member, one may choose to upgrade to verified membership which is also free but to become a verified member, a member will have to download a recommended book from our site or recommended site, answer a question and possibly win a prize.
To remain a verified member, one will have to read at least one book.
There are advantages of being a verified member.
Apart from having the verified mark on your profile, verified members are eligible to participate in all competitions and win all prizes while unverified members can only participate in competitions specifically created for unverified members.
Most competitions with big prizes are open to only verified members.
We partner with reputable organisations and individuals to deliver our quiz and reading competitions.
While our book competitions come from recommended books, our quizzes come from brainteasers, history etc.
A competition can either be a quiz or a book competition or both.
Get ready to win.
To become a verified member, you have to first of all sign up as a general member. When you download the recommended book. You will be upgraded.